Helg, helg, helg!

Kom hem från Flogging Molly konserten för ett tag sedan, fantastiskt grym sådan, Flogging vet hur man gör en bra konsert! Med detta sagt så är det en massa roligt kvar i helgen, fixa på lophtet med bästaste HUT och spela sektionskamp. kl 18.30 så ska K.U.K:s ära upprätthållas. Kommer bli så roligt, då jag är extremt taggad, så taggad att jag i torsdags spelade innebandy på killarnas träning för att komma igång lite. Enda jag egentligen behöver tänka på är att värma upp handlederna ordentligt samt knäna så ska det nog ändå gå vägen! Nej blir ett kort inlägg idag, måste sova lite innan allt pyssel imorgon. Dagen låttext kommer självklart från Flogging:

There's a government whip cracked across your back
Where the order of the day is don't listen, attack
See the blood run down in your bushwhack town
Revolution is the gimmick of a joke less clown
Where the body's just yelling for the tax man's gun
Talk, don't talk if you've nothing to say
Walk, don't walk if your feet don't know the way
And requiem for a dying song
With a shimmy and a shank from a futile war
With the sun that lights the day
Breaks the darkness and the powers of another great shame
With you my love, with you my love
With you I will return
And requiem for a dying song
Got the barrel by the face should the order release
Should the bullet in your pocket turn away and retreat
See the terror in the eye of a bloodshot child
Only bubble in his belly and the promise of lies
Operation, liberation, tell me, you can decide
Oh, talk, don't talk if you've nothing to say
[- From: http://www.elyrics.net/read/f/flogging-molly-lyrics/requiem-for-a-dying-song-lyrics.html -]
Walk, don't walk if your feet don't know the way
Requiem for a dying song
With a shimmy and the shank from a futile war
With the sun that lights the day
Breaks the darkness and the powers of another great shame
But with you my love, with you my love
With you I will return
And requiem for a dying song
Agony from every corner on every street
Act like he lost himself over bitterness
Explode, explode
There's a government whip cracked across your back
Where the order of the day is don't listen, attack
Oh, talk, don't talk if you've nothing to say
Walk, don't walk if your feet don't know the way
Requiem for a dying song
With a shimmy and the shank from a futile war
With the sun that lights the day
Breaks the darkness and the powers of another great shame
But with you my love, with you my love
With you I will return
And requiem for a dying song
With you my love
With you I will return
And requiem for a dying song
Kärlek på er


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