Lite lätt berusad
Underbar förfest och underbar sittning, har haft det super trevlig och kom hem för ett tag sen. Förfesten blev inte så stor då flera pluggar på LTH och har då påsklov (till skillnad från oss stackars ekonomer som inte har det) men jag var super cool i min Cape och med mitt lasersvärd (som jag kan stoltsera som stolt ägare till), känner mig nästan som en nerd, men är ju inte direkt något fel på dem (med tanke på hur många man dragit hem i sina dar), men ikväll blev det ingenting, fast jag egentligen ville. Det stora problemet ligger i att jag verkligen gillar H så himla mycket att jag kan inte dra hem någon annan, för det är honom jag vill "dra hem" eller åka hem till och blir lite svårt då. Ja jag vet att det är sorgligt att jag tänker så, men vad ska jag göra? Han vägrar försvinna från mina tankar och mina drömmar, vilket då gör allt väldigt mycket jobbigare! Ska nog försöka sova lite nu även om jag inte bloggat speciellt mycket, men behöver min sömn om jag ska göra min debut på Steve imorgon. För er som inte bor i Lund och har Steve kolla på , där har ni typ livestreaming.
Look at us making the way in this life.
Look at us doing just fine.
I'm starting to wonder if loving too much is a crime.
What could be wrong with me holding your hand,
and with you holding mine too.
I'm picking the lock to your heart but without having too.
Somewhere a heart is broken, somewhere, somehow,
I'm sorry but I don't care, at least not right now.
cause maybe we'r living a dream, where nothing is quite what it seems,
is it a dream if i tell you we won't wake up.
Ohh let's leave it behind, this world has no place in our mind,
but live in a dream at least for a little while, that's what I dream of.
You make me dizzy, but let me be straight,
I am right here by your side.
Why do i need wings when my only goal is not to fly.
Someone is hurting someone, somewhere somehow,
I'm sorry but i don't care, at least not right now.
Cause maybe we'r living a dream, where nothing is quite what it seems.
Is it a dream if i tell you we won't wake up.
Ohh let's leave it behind, this world has no place in our mind,
but live in a dream, at least for a little while.
Ohh..ohh..let this dream come to life,
ohh, we are here, let's stay here, where nothing is quite what it seems,
is it a dream if I tell you we won't wake up. if i tell you we won't wake up.
Ohh let's leave it behind, this world has no place in our mind.
living a dream at least for a little while, that's what i dream of.
Look at us making the way in this life.
Look at us doing just fine.
I'm starting to wonder if loving too much is a crime.
What could be wrong with me holding your hand,
and with you holding mine too.
I'm picking the lock to your heart but without having too.
Somewhere a heart is broken, somewhere, somehow,
I'm sorry but I don't care, at least not right now.
cause maybe we'r living a dream, where nothing is quite what it seems,
is it a dream if i tell you we won't wake up.
Ohh let's leave it behind, this world has no place in our mind,
but live in a dream at least for a little while, that's what I dream of.
You make me dizzy, but let me be straight,
I am right here by your side.
Why do i need wings when my only goal is not to fly.
Someone is hurting someone, somewhere somehow,
I'm sorry but i don't care, at least not right now.
Cause maybe we'r living a dream, where nothing is quite what it seems.
Is it a dream if i tell you we won't wake up.
Ohh let's leave it behind, this world has no place in our mind,
but live in a dream, at least for a little while.
Ohh..ohh..let this dream come to life,
ohh, we are here, let's stay here, where nothing is quite what it seems,
is it a dream if I tell you we won't wake up. if i tell you we won't wake up.
Ohh let's leave it behind, this world has no place in our mind.
living a dream at least for a little while, that's what i dream of.
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